AGHP Photo Contest Profiled on Geosynthetica

2015 Photo Contest First PlaceThe international geotechnical publication Geosynthetica ( has featured the AGHP Photo Contest Winners announcement. In an article title “Geohazards Photo Contest: Stunning Views and Engineering,” the publication prominently featured the winning submission from Courtney Smith (GeoStabilization International) as well as showed the 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention entires in an in-article slideshow.

The online magazine, which the publisher notes has an annual readership of 800,000 site users, cited all winners and linked to their company web pages.

The AGHP logo was included on all images published.

If you know of other publications picking up AGHP-related stories, please contact ( We would love to share news of media support and link to those publications sites.

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