Landslides: Putting Experience, Knowledge and Emerging Technologies into Practice
June 4-8, 2017 | Roanoke, VA
The main objective of the symposia is to provide a stimulating forum for geoscientists, engineers, planners, economists, program managers, and other decision makers concerned with landslide hazards and their impact on society. Papers related to investigation, classification, monitoring, analysis and mitigation of landslides, as well as case studies on innovative analysis techniques and solutions will be presented.
Timeline for Submissions:
June 30, 2016: Abstract submission deadline
July 31, 2016: Abstract acceptance notification
October 31, 2016: Manuscript submission deadline
January 2, 2017: Manuscript returned for revision
February 13, 2017: Manuscript final submission
Abstracts will be limited to 250 words. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Style templates will be provided. Both oral and poster presentations will have written submissions.
All submissions will be included in the Electronic Conference Proceedings and will follow Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Journal standards.
For more information or to submit an abstract please click here.