To promote safe work environments within the Geohazard industry, AGHP initiated its industry-wide Rope Access Safety Recognition Program in 2018. This annual program recognizes companies that develop and implement safe rope access work procedures, provide education and training to their personnel, and commit to enhancing the safety culture within their organizations. A review of the applicants’ safety program and performance metrics is conducted, including Total Incident Rates and Lost Time / Modified Duty Rates statistics. Additionally, the review process measures management involvement & commitment to the firm’s safety program, reviews their written rope access safety procedure, and determines adherence to industry best practices.

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rope access safety recognition logo 2021

Recipients of AGHP's 2023 Safety Recognition:

Access Limited Construction logo
Apex rockfall mitigation logo
bat construction logo
Delve Underground Logo
Dyer Logo
Emil Anderson Construction Logo
Gannett Fleming logo
Geobuild logo
GSI logo
Global Rope Access Logo
GZA logo
Hi-Tech Rockfall logo
NYS Parks and Rec Logo
Pacific Blasting and Demolition logo
WSDOT logo
Yeh and Associates logo