Congratulations to the Association of Geohazard Professionals 2017 Photo Contest Winners!
First Place: Ahren Bichler, Trumer North America
Hoffman’s Bluff Attenuator
A 500 kJ rockfall attenuator that provides protection to the Trans-Canada Highway as part of a highway widening project near Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Second Place: Johann Steiner, Trumer North America
On point
It is often asked, “what happens when you get a direct post hit?” They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Third Place: Andi Buechi, Geobrugg North America
Spider Snow Nets in Rogers Pass
Early morning picture of snow nets in Glacier National Park
Honorable Mention: Brian Gould Alpine Solutions Avalanche Services
Protecting the TransCanada Highway near Rogers Pass with the largest snow net project in the Western Hemisphere
98 row segments were designed into 3 avalanche paths that affect the TransCanada Highway. 2 paths completed in 2016. 1 more to finish in 2017.
Thank you to all who participated! And we look forward to seeing all your new submissions at next years contest.