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Ground Anchoring 201: Beyond the Basics

Ground Anchoring is an important subject matter for many Civil Engineering projects.  Although Ground Anchors have been around for many decades, their design and installation continue to evolve with new products and specifications in the marketplace.  It is critical that proper design methodology, along with proper installation and testing techniques be followed to ensure structural performance.

This webinar provides an overview of commercially available Anchoring Products & Their Typical Applications.  Furthermore, the webinar will focus on important Technical Aspects of Anchor Design and Selection including Specification Compliance, Geotechnical Design Considerations, Mechanical Properties, Longevity & Corrosion Protection, Anchor Economics & Practical Commentary that reflect the Current State of Practice in Ground Anchoring.

Presentation Outline:


  • Applications for Ground Anchors
  • Anchoring Products Overview
  • Technical and Economical Considerations
  • Brief Look at Anchor Fabrication and Manufacturing
  • Q & A
Ground Anchoring Webinar Photo

Presented By:

Tom Bird photo

Tom Bird

Vice President of Corporate Development, Williamsform

Tom is the Vice President of Corporate Development for Williams Form Engineering Corporation, a world-leader in the manufacture of ground anchoring systems.  Tom has been actively involved in the civil engineering industry, specifically with ground anchors, since 1997.

Tom is past Chairman of the Anchored Earth Retention Committee of ADSC and has a long tenure of activity within both the ADSC and DFI anchoring committees.  During that time Tom was instrumental in the industry advancement of hollow bar anchor technology, culminating in the publication of FHWA-CFL/TC10-100 which led to acceptance of hollow bars for use in federally funded projects.

Tom holds BSME and MSMM degrees and is currently a faculty member at red Rocks Community College in Colorado.

Pete Speier photo

Pete Speier

Vice President of Engineering, Williamsform

Pete Speier began his career with Williams Form Engineering Corp in May 2012 as their Western US Applications Engineer and was promoted to Vice President of Engineering in July 2018.  Pete is based out of Williams’ San Diego Office, and has extensive experience in the design and construction of deep foundations and anchored earth retention systems.  Prior to working with Williams, Pete spent over 15 years as a project manager with DFI/ADSC Contractor Members Condon-Johnson and Malcolm Drilling.  Pete is a graduate of San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, has been a licensed Professional Civil Engineer in the State of California since 1999, and is also licensed in Texas and Washington.